We attended a study day, based around the production of music videos, at the BFI in Southwark. Here, we were advised to keep our song short, with a maximum time limit of approximately three minutes. We realised that our song was a lot longer than three minutes at just over four and a half minutes. To solve this issue, we decided to cut our song in order to make the length shorter. We felt that the perfect timing to cut the song was at 03:13, where we faded the song out.
Also, we were instructed not to have too many different locations. To follow this order, we decided to change location of the scene where Hakan proposes to Hilary. We will film it at Grovelands Park, where we will also film shots 16 to 20. Therefore, we will have one less location which is a positive result.
In addition, we were told that close ups are an essential part of music videos. Therefore, we will be attempting to include many more close ups of our main characters, especially Hilary.